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These forms are provided to assist business owners and others in understanding important points to consider in different transactions. They are offered with the understanding that no legal advice, accounting, or other professional service is being offered by these documents or on this website. Laws vary in the different states. Agreements acceptable in one state may not be enforced the same way under the laws of another state. Also, agreements should relate specifically to the particular facts of each situation. Therefore, it is important to consult legal counsel whenever utilizing these forms. The Forms are not a substitute for legal advice YourFreeLegalForms.com is not engaged in recommending or referring members on the site or making claims about the competence, character or qualifications of its participating members.

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Form #720

Application for Family Home License

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Application for Family Home License - Free Legal Form

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Application for family home license.


DCFS Region/Site/Field


Responsible for License _________

Date Received _________

County No. _________

Date Entered _________

Supervising Agency No. _________



—. DCFS: Regional Office _________ Field Office _________

—. Licensed Child Welfare Agency

—. Licensed Day Care Agency

—. License Exempt Agency

—. Independent Home

Name _________

Address _________

Name _________

Address _________




—. RENEWAL OF LICENSE Number _________

—. REINSTATEMENT Number _________


—Foster Family Home—Day Care Home

Name of Applicants:

A. _________

Social Security No. _________


B. _________

Social Security No. _________


Address _________


Address _________

Telephone ( )


1. The Department frequently receives requests from businesses, organizations and local government jurisdictions for lists of family home licensees. If you wish to have your name excluded from these listings, check (3) here:—

2. Have you ever been convicted for other than a minor traffic violation?

—No —Yes If yes, explain: _________

3. Are you currently licensed for child care in _________? —No —Yes

If yes, give type of license(s) _________

Name on license(s) _________

Address on license _________

4. Have you ever been licensed for child care outside _________? —No.

—Yes License Number(s) _________

If yes, give type of license(s) _________

Name on license(s) _________

Address on license _________

5. If you are not currently licensed for child care, complete the questions below:

Have you ever applied for a child care license? —No —Yes

Was license issued? —No —Yes

If yes, give type of license _________

Name on license _________

Address on license _________

I (WE) the undersigned, representing the facility herein named, hereby apply for license to operate a child care facility under the Child Care Act of 1969 as amended. I (WE) declare that, I (WE):

I. Have received a copy of the standards, have read and are familiar with the standards for which license is sought.

II. Will be subject to investigation upon application in regard to meeting standards.

III. Will cooperate with the licensing agency through the study.

IV. Are aware that to operate a child care facility without a license or permit constitutes a Class A misdemeanor and that I (WE) may be prosecuted for such misconduct.

V. Will be subject to supervision in terms of conformance with minimum standards upon issuance of a license.

VI. Affirm that the information provided above is true. I (WE) understand that making materially false statements in order to obtain a license or permit constitutes a Class A misdemeanor and that I (WE) may be prosecuted for such misconduct.






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These forms are provided to assist business owners and others in understanding important points to consider in different transactions. They are offered with the understanding that no legal advice, accounting, or other professional service is being offered by these documents or on this website. Laws vary in the different states. Agreements acceptable in one state may not be enforced the same way under the laws of another state. Also, agreements should relate specifically to the particular facts of each situation. Therefore, it is important to consult legal counsel whenever utilizing these forms. The Forms are not a substitute for legal advice YourFreeLegalForms.com is not engaged in recommending or referring members on the site or making claims about the competence, character or qualifications of its participating members.

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submitted 10/25/2008
by DavidMarshall  

"When parents are not around or do the job badly, it is the responsibility of the state to look after any children. One option is the appointment of foster parents or other people to give the care. The states have the right to license people to operate a child care facility under the Child Care Act of 1969 and this form allows people to apply for a family home license. The state investiagtes to make sure that the individuals are licensed to provide this service and are generally suitable candidates. The state will also check out the home to make sure it is a safe and secure place in which to bring up children."
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