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Submissions to this site, including any legal or business forms, posts, responses to questions or other communications by contributors are not intended as and should not be construed as legal advice. You are strongly encouraged to consult competent legal council before engaging in any action based upon content contained on this site.

These downloadable forms are only for personal use. Retransmission, redistribution, or any other commercial use is prohibited. This includes reposting forms from this site to another site offering free legal or other document forms for download.

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Your use of this site constitutes your acceptance of our terms of use and your agreement to hold this site, its officers, employees and any contributors to this site harmless for any damage you might incur from your use of any submissions contained on this site. If you do not agree to the above terms, please do not proceed.

These forms are provided to assist business owners and others in understanding important points to consider in different transactions. They are offered with the understanding that no legal advice, accounting, or other professional service is being offered by these documents or on this website. Laws vary in the different states. Agreements acceptable in one state may not be enforced the same way under the laws of another state. Also, agreements should relate specifically to the particular facts of each situation. Therefore, it is important to consult legal counsel whenever utilizing these forms. The Forms are not a substitute for legal advice YourFreeLegalForms.com is not engaged in recommending or referring members on the site or making claims about the competence, character or qualifications of its participating members.

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Form #1680

Legal Service In Egypt

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Registering property (starting with checking the legal status of the property ending with the official approval of the contract of sale)

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..Bank services in EgyptOur company cooperates with many foreign banks all over Egypt. If you need assistance in choosing an appropriate foreign bank to open in him a personal or corporate account - contact us. Our experts will advise you  on the account opening and will offer several options that meet your requirements.


When you open a bank account abroad is often a difficult task to choose between a safe, prestigious bank and the issue of confidentiality and bank secrecy. In order to make the right choice of a bank, must first proceed from the opening such an account. For example, for the purposes of the transfer of funds for the conservation and exaggeration, or the current trading business is important to account abroad was easy to manage (ease of access), and the bank had a good reputation in the eyes of business partners. For the purposes of saving the best to open an account in a reliable, large banks. We also recommend not to store all your savings in one bank, and open several accounts in different banks abroad to reduce risk.


Banks of Egypt

Depending on the purpose of opening bank accounts can be divided into the following types:

Current account - is designed to serve business or personal expenses / income of its owner. On the balance of such account or interest is not charged at all, or very small. For the current account can be linked checkbook or debit card.


Card account - is opened when the client receives a credit card. It is used for accounting of this map and the subsequent debt repayment by the client, usually with a current account.


Deposit account - funds should be continuously kept for a minimum period of time and bring more tangible income. The minimum deposit is usually a few thousand dollars and paid for at least 1 month.


Money for private investment account are intended for long-term investments in securities. Usually such an account is opened in a specialized branch of the bank or even the specialized banks involved is attracting private investment and deployment. For large banks represent clients who intend to invest at a rate of at least several hundred thousand dollars.


Brokerage account (brokerage account, investment account) opened a brokerage company or a bank providing brokerage services in the securities market. Purpose of the account - maintenance of current operations on purchase and sale of securities through a broker.


Our fees range from $ 100 depending on the bank account type, and its purpose.


Detailed information on opening accounts in foreign banks of Egypt - you can learn from one of our managers by phones listed on the site, or send for us request


الخدمات البنكية  و المصرفية  فى  مصر

لما كان  يمكننا  تقديم النصح والاستشارة لكم فى جميع ما يتعلق باعمالكم و أستثمارتكم  , فنحن أيضا يمكننا تقديم النصح والمشورة لكم بخصوص الخدمات البنكية والمصرفية  فى مصر  و مساعدتكم فى أختيار البنك المناسب لإحتيجتكم سوء كنتم أشخاص أو شركات .



إن فتح حساب مصرفى خارج بلدك غالبا ما يكون مهمة صعبة  , تسأل نفسك دائما أى بنك من تلك البنوك هو أمن لإيداع اموالك  و يحافظ على سرية الحسابات . ولكى تتمكن من اختيار البنك المناسب للتعامل معه على أمولك  يجب عليك اولا ان تحدد نوع الحساب الذى ترغب فى فتحة  وعلى سبيل المثال هل تقوم بفتح حساب فقط من أجل تحويل الاموال فقط وحفظها أو انك تقوم بفتح الحساب لأغراض او أعمال  تجارية  و سوف نقوم فى السطور القادمة بأعطائكم نبذة عن الخدمات البنكية و المصرفية فى مصر .


أقسام  الحسابات المصرفية :

يمكننا تقسيم الحسبات المصرفية على حسب الغرض من فتح الحسابات من كونها حسابات شخصية أو كونها حسابات يتم أستخدمها لأغراض تجارية :

الحسابات الجارية : هى حسابات مخصصة للاستخدام الشخصى أو للاغراض التجارية  ولا يتم أحتساب فوائد على هذة الحسابات لصالح فاتح الحساب أو قد تكون فائدة ضئيلة جدا , وبموجب هذا الحاساب يمكن استصدار دفتر شيكات أو بطاقة للصراف الالى .

حسابات الودائع : وهى حسابات يتم إيداع  الاموال فيها لدورة  زمنية محددة  و يتم احتساب فائده عليها ولا يمكن سحبها قبل إنتهاء مواعيد دورتها الزمنية .


حسابات الأستثمار :  وهى حسابات يتم فتحها فى بنوك متخصصة فى مجلات الأستثمارات والأوراق المالية وهذة الحسبات يتم فتحها للاستثمارت الكبيرة والتى قد تحتاج مئات الالف من الدولارات .


للحصول على معومات اضافية يرجى مرسلتنا عبر البريد الألكترونى  أو الأرقام  الموضحة فى  أتصل بنا.




Contributed By
Ahmed Abdalaziz
(this user has not submitted a profile yet)  

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These forms are provided to assist business owners and others in understanding important points to consider in different transactions. They are offered with the understanding that no legal advice, accounting, or other professional service is being offered by these documents or on this website. Laws vary in the different states. Agreements acceptable in one state may not be enforced the same way under the laws of another state. Also, agreements should relate specifically to the particular facts of each situation. Therefore, it is important to consult legal counsel whenever utilizing these forms. The Forms are not a substitute for legal advice YourFreeLegalForms.com is not engaged in recommending or referring members on the site or making claims about the competence, character or qualifications of its participating members.

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Keywords: Legal services in Egypt Sharm el-Sheikh
